Today I tell you about Vietnamese Men!!!

They want women would like a housekeeper, women have to cook, clean up the house, pregnant, give birth, take care the whole family (include the children and family-in-law). However, women also have to go to work. They must have responsibilities with family's financial. That's u
I spent all my noon just for a note on FB about traveling, but it's fail! All my writing is deleted without warning!!!! So crazy! The remain is just some pics which I took when I traveled from 2007 to present. I hope my hubby and I can travel together to Singapore or another country (except Cambodia) in the new year 2013. I wanna let him know the outside world, where we can learn many things new.
I've been in 4 countries: Singapore, Cambodia, New Zealand and Australia, and I'm always proud of it!! Thanks God for the opportunities He gave me! I can learn somethings new FREE!

God bless my family. Now I'm familiar with staying late for waiting my hubby, having dinner with him, wake up early for cooking lunch and busy with housework. I can be a good housekeeper! We are in debt now, but I believe God helps us.
Huhmm, the New Year has come....

I have a wonderful vacation with my hubby in my hometown. There're fresh air, trees and flowers everywhere, the birds singing in the sunshine...We're really enjoy the happy time with our family. We also enjoyed the traditional food: Chao cua dong, a soup with crab, rice, egg and vegetable.

My hubby looked like a child when he played the computer game with my little brother. I wonder if he ready for taking care a baby, haha, but if our son has the same passion in playing game as him, I will rule them with my strict principle ^^

The returning to HCMC, my hubby rode the motorbike with a higher speech than times before. We reached our home in HCMC just in 1h45mins, how good driver he is! Love him.

We also had a romantic night together, that's an unforgettable night since we got married. The result of the night - of course - is my half day off. I couldn't wake up this morning. How can we work with another around?? I should go to work, letting him alone at home for working ^_^.

Below is the pic of the year, haha. I just wash it, and how cute and clean it is.
It's really happy 'cuz my hubby can wash the dishes by himself! I do my cooking and then go to work, and after work I find a clean kitchen <smile>

Today I wake up at 7.00am, cook a soup bowl with pork, carrot and mushroom. This noon he has to use the microwave to warm up the soup. The fridge is vacant, and I have to go to supper market after work for buying foods.

4.30pm... It's raining now, so strange!
A sympathy from my dear father for my problem today.
Just remember that we must be happy despite of what happen in our two big families. We have many relationships but the most important thing is our marriage life. Through these argument, we understand each other, and love each other more and more.

We talk about the Mission on 23 of Dec at THT church. The pastor is put in a difficult sittuation. They spent too much money for an ineffective show (just 2 persons decided believe in God). I think next year our church leader should review the show carefully before they perform in public.

Anw, I bought a banana bunch with only 11k ^_^