I spent all my noon just for a note on FB about traveling, but it's fail! All my writing is deleted without warning!!!! So crazy! The remain is just some pics which I took when I traveled from 2007 to present. I hope my hubby and I can travel together to Singapore or another country (except Cambodia) in the new year 2013. I wanna let him know the outside world, where we can learn many things new.
I've been in 4 countries: Singapore, Cambodia, New Zealand and Australia, and I'm always proud of it!! Thanks God for the opportunities He gave me! I can learn somethings new FREE!

God bless my family. Now I'm familiar with staying late for waiting my hubby, having dinner with him, wake up early for cooking lunch and busy with housework. I can be a good housekeeper! We are in debt now, but I believe God helps us.

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